Artwork & Words © Richard Ewing all rights reserved

Artwork & Words © Richard Ewing all rights reserved

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Coffee Mugs

I find it rather delightful to capture parallel pauses; there typically tends to be an echo from one body part to another with only a slight difference in energy.  Lips to hand, brows to mouth, ear to teeth, inhale to gravity.
ping to pong.
 © Richard Ewing.  All rights reserved.
 © Richard Ewing.  All rights reserved.
 © Richard Ewing.  All rights reserved.
© Richard Ewing.  All rights reserved.
Thank you and enjoy.


  1. This time it's the scowl of the 2nd guy that resonates with me. He may not actually be as irritated or unhappy as he looks....some people have naturally down-turned mouths when they're not making an effort to smile. Wonder what this guy's story is.....I like that it evokes wonder.....

    1. He typically seems irritated when he doesn't get to sit where he wants to; this, as well as what his 'face at rest' seems to do, combine to create the scowl-a-thon. He's likely not aware of this at all...

  2. It's been too long since I've gotten to visit, but going through your posts makes me smile. Keep drawing!
