There was hardly a more capable musician in Austria in the late eighteenth century than Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who by the age of five was already composing and performing before royalty.
"The way I see it, all I need to do is eat one acorn, chase it down with mud and soil, snort a pinch of fertilizer, and lie down in the sun from here on in and I'll be satiated automatically by Internal Photosynthesis!"
"Wait long enough and I'll be Squirrizilla to you!"
One of the most fluid baritone voices to ever sing a ballad belonged to Nat King Cole. A voice he firmly believed was enhanced by a three pack a day smoking habit... ~he was known to inhale several menthol cigarettes in a row before recording sessions to polish his sound.
Heartbreakingly, but not surprisingly, Nat died of lung cancer at the age of 45.
"It's a complete abomination, that the most popular of our breed is that lisping pudding-headed excuse for a cur, Scooby-Doo. I call on the American Kennel Club to disqualify him on the grounds that no really great Dane parades around with a cat tail attached to his posterior!
Even more than his 5th cousin, Teddy, Franklin D Roosevelt could claim to be the most popular president in American history ~~being the only one elected 4 times in a row! Had he lived to see more than the 82 days of his final term he would have clocked in 16 straight years of executive privilege.
The biggest thing in film for the early part of the 20th century, Charlie Chaplin brought comic relief to a world grinding itself apart; his self-penned and self-directed films are still as effective as ever in bringing laughter to modern times.
Without a mastery of suspense, a master of horror would be simply horrid. Stephen King has always been shining at both ends of his creative candle ~~leaving his readers all agog for his latest bag of bones. Those needful things are always in misery until then.
The February full moon is known as the Hunger Moon ~with the cold snows of winter, there was a dearth of food available, and if there were any to be had, ~~it was a damnable chore to locate it.